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Space and Surface 2016

Biel Switzerland
movie : 2heures 30 minutes
drawing : watercolors on paper

watercolors on the decolation of stair.

This work is composed of 3 elements paper drawing (watercolor), videos and drawing on the decoration of stairs. (little madame)

As you can see in my other works, like “ripple”, my drawings depend on size or form of the support.

In this work, I think about the museum as a support itself.

The motifs of drawing came from the museum and you can find some aspect of stair, floor etc… inside the drawings.

The video is the process of the drawings.

During the process of making those drawings, watercolors mixed, flew apart and transformed.

By projecting this video on the architecture, drawings are translated to the architecture.

“little madame” is the result of the invasion of the drawing made on paper to the architecture.

Those drawings, videos and “little madame” are connecting each other and by involving the architecture, make a circulation.  

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